This past year was a period of nesting. A very "yin" year. I have a 17 year old son who'll be graduating soon. I treasure anytime I get at home with him. Our "nest" is an eclectic mix of modern, mid-century, and minimalist design. When I want to "sooth the soul" I diffuse essential oil of lavender and play light classical music. An image that often comes to mind when thinking of "nest" is the habitacion by Chilean architect Smiljan Radic. This single room retreat is perched in the woods. The gridded timber members are not window mullions but part of a larger structural system. They double as shelving units and filter the sunlight.
I can already feel the shift in energy as the new year approaches. In the last few weeks our "yin" nest has quickly morphed into a "yang" nest. We'll see what the new year brings. Happy New Year!